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Global Compliance Engine

The k-ID Global Compliance Engine is a set of APIs that implement verifiable parental consent (VPC) and regulatory compliance world-wide for a broad set of permissions in games. In each jurisdiction across 200+ markets, k-ID enables the game to tune its experience to implement age-appropriate access for kids and teens. To do this, the Global Compliance Engine creates a long-lived Session for each player describing their permissions in a game for a given jurisdiction. It also provides a universal Family Configuration that spans across all games, including APIs for kids and teens to request consent to access games or game features from a parent.



Every player regardless of age gets a long-lived k-ID Session which is required to access the game. The session contains the permissions for the player in the jurisdiction in which they are playing the game. For a kid or teen, the session can be modified by a parent adding or removing permissions, or a change in age because of a birthday. Sessions are generally cached in local or cloud storage by the game. Sessions can also be associated with the identity of the player in the game if the game implements player accounts.

Family Configuration

The k-ID Family Configuration is built to allow parents to manage consent to access games and game features for children. A Child is created when there is a challenge for consent required by regulations in the player’s jurisdiction. A Parent is created when an adult verifies themselves using the k-ID Family Portal, and grants permission to a child’s request for access. Parents can manage permissions for multiple children across many games in the k-ID Family Portal.

A Consent Challenge is created when a child seeks consent for access to a game or game feature. The challenge appears as a Request for Access to the parent in the k-ID Family Portal once a verified parent is associated with the Consent Challenge. The ID of a Consent Challenge is returned from the /age-gate/check API, and should be stored by the game in local storage or cloud storage associated with the player.

Age Appeal

An Age Appeal is created when a player is challenged to verify their date of birth by a game developer because of indications that they may be younger than the age they originally gave, or when a player would like to appeal because they entered the wrong date of birth or were categorized as the wrong age by age estimation.