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Advanced Concepts

Fine tuning the k-ID experience in your game.

📄️ Using Age Status

While k-ID provides a wealth of permission settings that pertain to specific features, some games may need to create a more distinct player experience independent of any one feature. For example, a game might not show any in-game ads at all if a player is not a legal adult. In this case the game can check the ageStatus field in the Session. This field can be either DIGITALMINOR (below the age of digital consent), DIGITALYOUTH (below the civil age, but above the age of digital consent), or LEGAL_ADULT (civil age).

📄️ Using the Platform Age Signal

Many game platforms (Meta, Xbox, Playstation, etc.) send age platform-specific signals to a game when it launches. When the game shows an age gate, it is possible that the age given by the player is outside the range given by the platform-specific age signal. In this case, to be compliant, it is required that you assume the lower of the two values. However, to prevent the discrepancy in the first place, the game can use the platform age signal to limit the possible ages the player can give in the age gate. To do this, there are two important fields, digitalConsentAge and civilAge, that are returned from the /age-gate/get-requirements API. Using these fields, you can constrain the age gate to only allow ages for a digital minor to values up to the age of digital consent, and only allow age values for a teen between the age of digital consent and civil age.